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Language Education for a Changing World: the European Dimension

13 November 2010 Kings College London

NALDIC and Kings College London organised a joint conference to celebrate the launch of the Comenius funded project. NALDIC has made an active contribution to the development of this EU-wide project as a national partner. The project has developed the concept of ‘Inclusive Academic Language Teaching’ for bilingual pupils and will launch core curriculum modules for teacher education. The conference explored these concepts and showcased practical examples of work around initial teacher education for diversity and content/language integration.

Key published conference papers are available below.

Conference Programme

Multilingual Education in Luxembourg Mme Mady Delvaux Minister of Education, Luxembourg

Keynote address : The European Core Curriculum for Teacher Education Professor Hans-Joachim Roth and Joana Duarte, University of Cologne

Keynote Address: Changing linguistic landscape, changing teacher professionalism
Professor Constant Leung, Kings College London

Teacher education partnerships: managing language diversity in Europe
Anja Brandenburger, Charles Berg, Joana Duarte and Cristina Flores

Responses from emerging multilingualism countries to linguistic diversity
Tatyana Angelov, Nico Kneip, Maria Alfredo Moreira and Dragica Motik

Working with other adults
Helen Abji and Carrie Cable, NALDIC

Promoting language and content in the curriculum
Dianne Excell, Faversham College, Bradford

EAL, SEN and Inclusion
Professor Tony Cline, University College London

Key Visuals
Manny Vazquez/Andy Harvey, Hounslow Language Service

Multilingualism and teacher education: survey based
Christiane Bainksi, Peter Broeder, Birgitta Norberg Brorsson, Wolf Hochherz and Mia Stokmans

Bilingualim, multilingualim and academic language teaching
Jarmo Lainio, Bernie Mohan, Käthe von Bose and Hans-Joachim Roth

Teaching Shakespeare’s language with Advanced Bilingual Learners at KS3/4
Paul Nancarrow

Primary EAL and National Curriculum Subjects
Maggie Gravelle, University of Greenwich

Integrating the teaching of language and content in the curriculum for EAL learners
Sara Green, Kensington and Chelsea

EAL additional experience” in a PGCE Primary course
Jean Conteh, University of Leeds

Assessing the impact of the English Language Support Programme Materials
Zachary Lyons, Trinity College Dublin

Closing Address: Challenges for Teacher Education
Professor Charles Berg, University of Luxembourg

Closing Panel EU and UK representatives