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Contributed Content

Group feedback and presentations

Seminar picture

Group feedback and presentations
EAL in ITE at Goldsmiths and Liverpool John Moores University
A presentation outlining participants' response to the EAL Professional Development Modules (July 2011)
Embedding EAL in teacher education
A presentation by Bethan Hulse, Lorraine White, Jo Courtney,Judith Flynn and Jane Parker on the issue of embedding EAL (July 2011)
A participant presentation covering the participants' plans to develop an EAL session for secondary EPS PGCE and a Specific MFL session on EAL (July 2011)

  • An updated resource list for EAL from the Higher Education Academy. The list features online resources and recommended reading. Collated by Kathy Wright and Sue Field following a series of teacher educator workshops.

  • The HEA provide services to the higher education sector - for individual learning and teaching professionals, for senior managers in institutions, and for subject and discipline groups

    The HEA provide services to the higher education sector - for individual learning and teaching professionals, for senior managers in institutions, and for subject and discipline groups

  • An activity file developed to support PGCE Primary trainees to meet the teaching standards in relation to EAL (UEL, 2012)