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Teachers will need to respond to the needs of all bilingual learners they teach, including those with special educational needs and EAL learners who are gifted and talented. When a child who is learning English as an additional language makes slow progress in school, it is difficult to tell whether the delay is caused because they are not confident using the language of the school or because they have “real” learning difficulties independently of the language difference. Similarly there is often concern that the potential and ability of pupils learning EAL may be overlooked by provision for 'gifted and talented' pupils.

Section Editor

Tony Cline

On this page you will find web pagesabout EAL and SEN from the archived ITTSEAL site for teacher educators new to initial teacher training. Much of this material is being substantially rewritten and incorporated into our new site but we have maintained this archive to support referencing and site users.

The PDF pages are arranged in the same structure as on the original site. Please note that embedded hyperlinks in the documents will not work and external weblinks are no longer necessarily live. If you are searching for a particular resource which you cannot find, please contact us and we will try to help.

SEN and gifted and talented

Identification and assessment
Responding to need
Overcoming barriers to learning in literacy
Multilingualism and Dyslexia
Overcoming barriers to learning in mathematics
Gifted and talented