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FAQ Podcasts

Podcasts to answer teachers' and trainee teachers' questions

The NALDIC FAQs series is as set of downloadable podcasts covering typical questions related to catering for the needs of EAL learners. The podcasts will particularly help:

  • trainee teachers to meet TDA standards on their way to QTS
  • NQTs and class teachers to develop pedagogy and practice
  • EAL staff to build capacity in schools through the use of quality training resources

young children in class

You can click below to play our podcasts or sign up to them on itunes


  • How can I ensure that my new arrival EAL learners are set or grouped appropriately?

  • Don't children get confused if they hear and learn two languages at the same time?

  • How can analysing the language demands of the curriculum be useful when planning for EAL learners?

  • How can I assess pupils if they can’t communicate with me?

  • Why get EAL learners to write in their first language if I can’t read and understand it?

  • Our school has a lot of EAL learners on the SEN register - is this OK?

  • Is withdrawing EAL learners from classes during languages time good practice?

  • Why not withdraw beginner EAL learners for intensive English lessons?

  • Is it a good idea for parents to only speak English at home with their children?

  • Is coping in the classroom enough?

  • What advice can I give parents who have limited English about helping with homework?

  • Should more EAL learners be on our gifted and talented register?

  • Is it OK to place EAL learners a year below their chronological age if they arrive late?

  • One of my EAL learners has stopped making progress – what should I do?

  • What do people mean when they talk about advanced bilingual learners?

  • Can I reliably use online translation tools to support EAL learners and their families?

  • One of my EAL learners can read the words on the page but doesn't really understand what they are reading. What can I do?

  • Some bilingual learners keep speaking in their first language in class. What should I do?

  • We have a lot of beginners in English in our early years foundation stage. Will they just 'pick up' English or should we be doing something?

  • How can tablet devices and apps support my work with EAL learners?