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Policy positions and the teaching of EAL

Pupils learning English as an additional language (EAL) in the mainstream classroom raise issues not only of language and pedagogy, but also of rights and entitlements, social integration and equality of access to public provision. In England, de facto policy since the mid 1980s is that EAL pupils, with all pupils, have equal access and equal opportunity, with English as the preferred school language for minority pupils. Minority languages are valued and celebrated as worthwhile. However, academic attainment is only achieved through the medium of English.

In the UK, the focus is on the effective practice of the teacher to deliver the English curriculum which is thought to be a good model for language learning. Other English-speaking countries have very different approaches to EAL and many have developed detailed language curricula and assessment for EAL pupils

In the USA, minority pupils include a sizeable population of Spanish speakers and this demographic situation has influenced individual states' and schools' policies and provision. Canadian policy and provision cover both learning English as an additional language and bilingual teaching and learning in French and English. Australian states have developed EAL curriculum and assessment frameworks paralell to the mainstream curriculum.

Further Reading

Bourne, J (1989) Moving into the mainstream: LEA provision for bilingual pupils in England and Wales. Windsor : NFER-Nelson

Bourne, J. (1997) 'The Continuing Revolution: teaching as learning in the mainstream multilingual classroom'. Chapter 7 in Leung. C. and Cable, C. (Eds.) English as an Additional Language, Changing Perspectives. Watford : NALDIC

Leung. C. (2001) 'English as an Additional Language: distinct language focus or diffused curriculum concerns?' in Language and Education Vol 15 no.1

Leung. C. (2003) Integrating school-aged ESL learners into the mainstream curriculum. London : Kings' College London Urban Language and Literacies Working Papers

Rampton B, Harris R. & Leung C. (2001) Education in England and Speakers of Languages Other Than English. Working Paper 18, King's College London Working Papers on Urban Language and Literacies