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Our latest campaigns, reports and responses

Lobbying on behalf of EAL learners and their teachers

One of NALDIC's key aims is to support teachers, schools and government agencies to understand and provide well for the distinctive needs of EAL learners. We produce briefings on key issues, respond to consultations and carry out surveys and lobbying in the interests of EAL and bilingual learners and their teachers.

nursery teacher

Have your say through NALDIC's consultation responses and surveys

NALDIC is undertaking a second national audit of training and development opportunities available to the school workforce in respect of English as an additional language (EAL). This vitally important survey will help inform national policy and support the development of high quality guidance, training and professional development to the school workforce regarding the delivery and development of EAL.

To gain an up-to-date picture of the training opportunities available, we would be very grateful if you could complete our short survey as a participant or as a provider. The surveys are hosted on Survey Monkey and will close at the end of January 2013.

Participant survey Click here to take survey

Provider Survey Click here to take survey

All information submitted will be collected and held securely. Respondents' details will not be divulged to any other parties and all information will be anonymised.

  • If you have attended an EAL course in the past year, please complete our short survey and help us build a picture of EAL training and professional development opportunities

  • If you provide EAL training and professional development, please complete our survey to build a national picture of training opportunities

  • Read NALDIC and the NUT's survey picture of the EAL and EMAG situation nationally. We will be using the results of this survey to lobby for government reflection and action on this issue. Contact us with your ideas for taking this further.

  • Department for Education's e-consultation site: Find a current consultation or view results

    Department for Education's e-consultation site: Find a current consultation or view results