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New PGCE with EAL specialism

NALDIC is pleased to note that Newman University College Birmingham has introduced a new PGCE for 2011 which includes an EAL specialism. The Primary Key Stage 1 / Key Stage 2 PGCE with EAL (ages 5 -11) includes a specialist EAL module which aims to enable you to critically explore the provision for English as an Additional Language (EAL) in primary schools as well as develop your understanding of the specific talents of bilingual and multilingual children.

As the course information notes 'In an increasingly multi-cultural society there is a growing demand for teachers with expertise in teaching children who have English as an additional language. This course is similar to the PGCE Primary course, it has been designed to enable students who are native speakers, or have either GCSE Grade C or above in a community language such as Urdu, Hindi, Polish, Farsi, Punjabi, Bengali, or other. Also for those with experience of teaching English as an additional/foreign language to gain a greater understanding of the specific challenges facing children who attend school with English as a second language, or who begin school unable to speak English. Further details of the course are available at http://www.newman.ac.uk/Courses/Postgraduate/?pg=1780