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English language rules for spouses

Ministers are bringing forward measures requiring many immigrants marrying UK citizens to prove they have a command of English. The measures, which Labour had planned to introduce in July 2011, will now come into force in the autumn and will apply to partners coming to the UK from areas outside the EU. Under the new rules, anyone from outside the EU applying for a visa to join their spouse or partner will have to prove they have a basic command of English before their application is approved. Commenting on the move Teresa May, Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality said "I believe being able to speak English should be a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to settle here. The new English requirement for spouses will help promote integration, remove cultural barriers and protect public services. It is a privilege to come to the UK and that is why I am committed to raising the bar for migrants and ensuring that those who benefit from being in Britain contribute to our society. This is only the first step. We are currently reviewing English language requirements across the visa system with a view to tightening the rules further in the future."

Whilst supporting efforts to help migrants learn English, NALDIC is concerned that these new rules may disadvantage those who have limited or no access to appropriate English language classes in their countries of origin. In contrast, the provision of English classes on arrival would promote integration and social cohesion, providing newcomers with opportunities to learn English in a meaningful, communicative context alongside other new arrivals. .The most likely consequence of this measure is that it will lead to fewer poorer people being able to join their spouses in the UK from developing countries or places where civil life is under threat from war or oppression. It could be argued that for the most vulnerable groups of aspirant newcomers the government is not raising the bar so much as pulling up the drawbridge.

Don Flynn, from the Migrants' Rights Network, said the benefits of learning English were obvious but couples should not be penalised for wanting to be together. He said: "The issue here is that the right to marry and found a family is a basic human right and is it proper, is it right, that that right to marry should be made conditional on passing a test in English? Our view is that it shouldn't be."