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The importance of EAL teaching

NALDIC has responded in strong terms to the Schools White Paper, the Importance of Teaching. We are dismayed at the lack of mention of black and bilingual learners within the White Paper and urge the government to reconsider their approach in the following terms:

'We welcome the government’s focus on the importance of teaching. We urge the government to take this opportunity to ensure that equal attention – such as that paid to pupils with Special Educational Needs – is paid to the provision for pupils with English as an Additional Language, a group that constitutes a significant percentage of our pupil population yet currently enjoys no statutory provision to meet their specific needs. A proper focus on academic language competence, led by appropriately trained and qualified specialist teachers, would contribute greatly to raising attainment and closing the gap between all groups, including White pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

We urge the government to redress the omission in the White Paper in mentioning the specific needs of learners of EAL and minority ethnic pupils, including Gypsy Roma Travellers (where the biggest attainment gap lies) by including them in future guidance to schools and local authorities when clarifying about accountability and the use of the Pupil Premium. This would be consistent with their own analysis in their EQUIA.

Our full response is available to download