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Bilingual free schools grow in number

05 January 2013

The current drive to encourage diversity in school types appears to be having an unexpected impact on the number of bilingual schools in England. The Bilingual Primary School, a Spanish/English medium free school in Brighton, is just part of a growing trend according to a recent TES article (04.01.13).

The TES article gives examples such as

  • the free Europa School UK in Oxfordshire, which is replacing the European School,
  • an English-German bilingual school due to open in South London next year
  • Tiger Primary School in Maidstone, Kent, a free school which is not bilingual but where children learn Mandarin.

As the article notes, in 2006 Wix Primary School in southwest London was the first state primary to have a bilingual stream. This school works in partnership with the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle and the French Embassy to provide a bilingual stream alongside the English-only and French-only streams.

Wix headteacher Marc Wolstencroft is quoted as saying “It’s easier, in terms of creating a vision for a school, to create a school from scratch and say, ‘This is going to be a bilingual school’, than to do it within the current state system,”.

Schools planning to develop a bilingual approach to learning could do worse than consult a newly released book by the renowned dual-language-education researchers Wayne Thomas and Virginia Collier, Dual Language Education for a Transformed World. this provides ample evidence that not only is dual language best practice for second-language acquisition, but it is also the "most powerful school reform model for high academic achievement, whatever the demographic mix!"

There are different models of dual-language education, including 50/50 two-way (in which half of instruction is presented in English and the other half in the target language), and 90/10 full immersion (in which nearly all instruction is conducted in the foreign language being taught). Communities with native Spanish-speaking, Mandarin-speaking, or other English-language-learner populations can benefit from the 50/50 model—a program that promotes academic achievement through enrichment, rather than remediation. In 90/10 programs, native English-speaking students benefit from the academic rigor inherent in learning nearly all content through the target language.

Is bilingual education the way forward?

Is bilingual education the way forward for schools in the UK?
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