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EAL and Additional Needs Summer Conference

Book your place for our EAL/SEN conference on Saturday 16th June at NCLL, University of Reading

Book your place at our EAL and Additional Needs conference to learn more about EAL learners who may have additional needs at an all day conference from NALDIC hosted by the National Centre for Language and Literacy at the University of Reading this Saturday, 16 June 2012.

Presentations, seminars and workshops will focus on teachers’ and other professionals practical responses to the range of bilingual pupils' needs.

Presentations, seminars and workshops include:

Dr Tony Cline ‘Diverging approaches to special educational needs in England and Scotland and their implications for children learning English as an additional language’

Dr Tony Cline 'EAL learners and dyslexia’
Anne Margaret Smith 'Co-occuring specific learning differences'
Dr Sean Pert 'Developing
a language therapy package to meet the needs of EAL learners'
Dr Theo Marinis ‘The use of sentence repetition tasks to assess the language abilities of sequential bilingual children with specific language impairment’

Carolyn Blackburn - 'The diverse communication needs of children in the foundation stage: reflecting on policy to practice issues'
Amy Thompson - 'The place of mother-tongue assessment in identifying additional needs of EAL learners’
Peta Ullmann 'Selective mutism and the bilingual learner'
Alex Barrett and Emma Jackson 'EAL learners with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)'

Participants at the conference will have a chance to hear an overview of some of the presentations before engaging in more in-depth seminars and workshops. There will be a range of workshops on aspects of EAL and additional needs. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the National Centre for Language and Literacy's brand new resource centre.

Prices are £90 for members, £130 for non-members and £50 for full time students.

Registration will open at 9.00 a.m. and the conference starts at 10.15 a.m. The conference ends at 4.15 p.m.

Book online or download this booking form in Word and email it to us