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Tickell calls for early support and assessment for children learning EAL

The government has recently published Early Years: Foundations for life, health and learning An Independent Report on the Early Years Foundation Stage to Her Majesty’s Government. This review has recommended providing EAL support for all children in reception classes and has called on the government to 'investigate urgently' the issue of EAL support and assessment for young bilingual children.

The review, authored by Dame Clare Tickell, has recommended : that the areas of development and early learning goals for the EYFS are simplified; that literacy, mathematics, understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design are identified as the specific areas of learning; that the early learning goals are reduced in number from 69 to 17; that EYFS Profile is radically simplified, and reduced in size from 117 pieces of information to 20 pieces of information that capture a child’s level of development; and that a short summary of children's communication and language, personal, social and emotional, and physical development is prepared between the age of 24-36 months.

The Review has also strongly recommended that children learning EAL should be provided with additional support and that the government undertakes an early investigation into the assessment and support of EAL. This important issue is covered in points 3.26 and 3.27 (p26) of the report in these terms

3.26 I am aware that bilingualism is an asset, conferring positive advantages for children’s learning and development.The development of skills in their home tongue is critical for children’s progress in oral language and social understanding and I am clear that parents should be encouraged to continue to support a child’s first language. However, I am concerned that children’s English language skills need to be sufficiently developed to allow them to take full advantage of Key Stage 1 and the opportunities that schools offer. For this to be possible, in reception class, children with English as an additional language should receive the necessary support. Extending the free entitlement to disadvantaged 2-year-olds means that more children, and their families, will benefit from access to early years services and therefore support for language development from an early age.

3.27 However, I am conscious there is a high risk of creating perverse incentives if a blanket rule is introduced that would mandate early years settings in this respect. Therefore, I recommend that the Government investigate urgently how the development of children’s English language skills can be effectively supported and assessed.

NALDIC is pleased to see the needs of bilingual children recognised within this major report and urges the Government to act swiftly on the advice of their independent expert.