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Fantastic fundraising

Frank steps up.jpg
A slightly anxious looking Frank steps up

Frank Monaghan, a NALDIC Deputy Chair completed the Liverpool half-marathon on March 18 2012 in a fantastic time of 2 hours 6 minutes. Frank has already raised over £1,300 for NALDIC and would dearly love to see that total rise further. There is still time to recognise his splendid effort via My Donate. Links to his fundraising page are to the side . Alternatively if you prefer to send a cheque donation, please send to the NALDIC office,

Post Lpool half.JPG

Building L46
University of Reading
London Road

We are in the process of registering for Gift Aid which can increase the value of donations by a further 25%. We will be claiming the Gift Aid on the money raised so far retrospectively, so please let us know your address if you are a UK taxpayer.

If any colleagues would like to follow Frank's example and start fundraising for NALDIC, please do so by setting up a fundraising event through MyDonate and linking it to NALDIC. The process is very simple and secure and means that all of the donations go directly to NALDIC. Once we have completed our HMRC registration, MyDonate will also collect Gift Aid on our behalf.

Cuts to education funding have had a massively negative impact on schools' and LAs' ability to offer support for EAL and bilingual pupils and those that work with them. NALDIC is trying to fill the gap but we need your help to do so.