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Equality analysis shows differences in GCSE entries for bilingual students

GCSE Reform Equality analysis shows bilingual pupils at a disadvantage at GCSE

20 March 2013

The DfE has recently published its Equality Analysis of the proposed GCSE Reforms. The analysis shows that a lower percentage of bilingual pupils are entered in the GCSE exams which will be included in the 'subject suites for English and sciences'.

The proposals are that the new GCSEs should include English literature and English language but not a combined 'English' option. They should include a combined science option worth two GCSEs but not a combined science option worth one GCSE. Analysis of GCSE entries (2012) however show that bilingual pupils are around two percentage points less likely to be entered for GCSE science or triple science and 3 percentage points less likely to be entered for GCSE English literature.

gcse (Original size)

The equality analysis concludes that

Reformed GCSEs should avoid forcing pupils to choose between higher and lower tier papers and enable all pupils to have access to all grades. The evidence suggests that this will have a positive impact on equality with regard to ethnicity and gender by removing the risk of any subconscious teacher assumptions in relation to groups which are disproportionately likely to be low attaining. The reduction in controlled assessment will also reduce opportunities for these groups to be put at a disadvantage by subconscious assumptions about their performance.

The analysis also recommends improving the transfer of information for all pupils changing school or college at 16 which will benefit all pupils by providing stronger information to support their progress. This is seen by most commentators as a better option than the abandoned 'Statement of Achievement' proposal which it was feared would result in the stigmatisation of pupils who either failed or were not entered for the reformed qualifications. It is also made clear that for qualifications in English and mathematics, all pupils should receive more information directly from Awarding Organisations on their performance across the different areas tested by the qualification, in order particularly to support progression for those who may need to re-take the qualification post-16.

The DFE has rightly noted that whilst '....pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL), and looked after children are not groups covered specifically by the Equality Act (although pupils within those groups may otherwise share a protected characteristic) but have been included in this analysis wherever possible'. The document refers to bilingual learners as a 'defined group' and has therefore usefully considered the impact of any changes on EAL learners.