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Nick rides for NALDIC

Nick Ullmann recently completed a ride from London to Brighton on behalf of NALDIC. Nick, the son of a refugee from Nazi Austria, believes passionately in a multicultural society and the importance of learning languages. As a language teacher for some 40 years Nick believes that the more languages are learnt and used, the less racism rears its ugly head.

Nick undertook his magnificent ride Clapham Common to Brighton beach on Saturday 23 June and set up a sponsorship page to raise money for NALDIC through linking to our NALDIC account on the MyDonate site. If you would like to recognise Nick’s fantastic effort, please donate what you can https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/nickullmann1

Members (and friends of members) inspired by Nick’s efforts can organise their own events or challenges and raise money for NALDIC. Simply go to NALDIC’s fundraising page at MyDonate https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/naldic and click ‘Start Fundraising’ to create your own sponsorship page. All the money you raise through the event goes straight to NALDIC. Thanks to the efforts of our Honorary Secretary Peta Ullmann, we are now registered for gift aid which means that your gift is worth even more. For each pound a basic rate taxpayer donates, we receive £1.25.

Cuts to education funding have had a massively negative impact on schools' and LAs' ability to offer support for EAL and bilingual pupils and those that work with them. NALDIC is trying to fill the gap but we need your help to do so.