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New survey shows support for bilingual pupils has deteriorated

The follow up survey from NALDIC and the NUT into the national EAL/EMA situation has revealed that 80% of respondents have identified a deterioration in support for ethnic minority and EAL and bilingual learners and their families. Over 60% of respondents reported that support for EAL and bilingual pupils had deteriorated since February 2011.

NALDIC and the NUT are very concerned at the negative impact that mainstreaming EMA funding and LA funding difficulties is having on support for ethnic minority and bilingual pupils. Following our survey in December 2010 and our freedom of information request in March 2011, we have worked together to build a picture of the current situation in local authorities nationally. This has revealed that 80% of respondents had experienced the reduction of posts through forced or voluntary redundancies. Common negative impacts identified by respondents included: a reduction in pupil support; a reduction in the availability of knowledgeable specialists; and fragility of the current arrangements. The biggest deterioration was in the quality or availability of support for EAL and bilingual pupils and students; over 60% of respondents reported that support for EAL and bilingual pupils had deteriorated over the previous 6 months.