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Funding concerns highlighted on BBC Asian Network

BBC Asian Network recently ran a feature publicising the threat to mutlilingual communities posed by possible limits on EAL pupil funding. As we reported previously, the government's recent funding consultation asked for comments on restricting EAL funding for three to five years. Our position is that funding should be made available for at least 7 years after EAL pupils enter the school system.

BBC Asian Network reported that a Department for Education spokeswoman said: "In the consultation published in July we included a number of options for future handling of English as an Additional Language. We are considering the responses to the consultation and have not reached any conclusions. We are very much aware of the need for support for children who do not speak English fluently, but we are also aware that many children who speak another language at home come to be fluent in English well before the end of 11 years in school, so that it is not necessary to continue additional support at that stage."

She added that children joining a school with English as a second language at any age up to 16 would be eligible for such support under the proposals.

Frank Monaghan, deputy chair of NALDIC was also interviewed for the piece and argued that the government should provide EAL funding for a minimum of five to seven years. "What we know is that students who have English as an additional language have very distinctive needs. They need to be dealt with by people who are experts in language and second language development. If they don't get that, they are unlikely to make the kind of progress that we would want them to make, and they are able to make.".

The feature included comments from the Headteacher of a Slough primary school emphasising the need for continued support to ensure bilingual pupils' access and achievement.

The feature can be viewed at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/education-16251714