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Ground-breaking Research on EAL

Reports on EAL pedagogy and achievement

NALDIC welcomes the release of two separate reports on EAL pedagogy and achievement by Prof. Victoria Murphy and Prof. Steve Strand.esteemed coleagues from Oxford University. NALDIC has produced a briefing paper with a summary of the reports and key findings and recommendations. Click on the links to access Professor Murphy's report and Professor Strand's report. The research was carried out with funding from The Bell Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy and The Education Endowment Foundation.

Together, these ground-breaking reports represent a comprehensive overview of the issues relating to EAL facing schools today and support NALDIC’s long-running campaign for the recognition of the distinctiveness of EAL learners and their educational needs and our call for a comprehensive programme of training and development for EAL professionals and further dedicated research into this area. The reports also underline the need for secure and dedicated funding for this area of educational provision.

There is a positive press report here: http://tinyurl.com/p6fb45k