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NALDIC London South and Central RiG meeting

NALDIC launched a fresh Regional Interest Group for South and Central London on March 19 at St Gabriel's College, SW9 6UL

NALDIC launched a fresh Regional Interest Group for South and Central London on March 19 at St Gabriel's College, SW9 6UL from 17:00-19:30. Guest speaker was Prof Cathie Wallace on How new arrivals with EAL become 'pupils' in London schools. The talk picked upon themes from one of Cathie's papers on this topic: Cathie Wallace (2011). We will post a link to an edited video of the talk shortly In the meantime, here is a PDF of Cathie's slides, which she has given us her generous permision to share.Cathie Wallace: slides from RiG talk. And here are Di Leedham SCL RIG 1 slides.

The meeting provided an opportunity for people to network and share ideas for future priorities for the group. Our thanks to Rob Sharples for coordinating this exciting new opportunity to build and strengthen local links in the field. You can read my account of the event here: http://tinyurl.com/lztls6r