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The Bell Foundation

the Bell foundation

NALDIC is working in partnership with The Bell Foundation on areas relating to EAL. Our first partnership project is the provision of short courses for EAL co-ordinators and teaching assistants over the summer of 2012.

The Bell Foundation is part of, and governed by, the Bell Educational Trust. The Trust was founded in 1972 with the aim of providing language education, mainly in English, for adult students and young learners; to train teachers and to offer language learning and teacher training experiences that promote international understanding and intercultural exchange.

The Bell Foundation has recently completed scoping work into the area of EAL in England. It has defined a four year action programme (2012-2016) which focuses on working in partnership to improve the education of children with English as an additional language. These plans include investment in:

  • a series of practical research projects
  • a small schools programme initially in the East of England
  • the sharing of national and international best practice on educating children with English as an additional language
  • working to identify what issues need to be addressed through teacher training.