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NALDIC Conference 2015 - Book your place now!

Conference 23 will take place on Saturday, November 14th 2015 in London at Kings College. The conference will consider the assessment of English as an additional language for learning and teaching purposes in the context of ‘life without levels’ in the new National Curriculum.

NALDIC, the national subject association for EAL, is pleased to announce the programme for its 23rd annual conference - a dedicated EAL conference from leaders in the field and a fantastic opportunity to meet colleagues, be inspired, find ideas, materials and more for the year ahead.

Manny Vazquez will be bringing his many years of experience to bear on the issue of ‘making the best use of EAL assessment in teaching’. Manny will be familiar to many NALDIC members from his popular EAL workshops. He has been a tireless campaigner for young people learning in and through EAL for many years.

Therese N. Hopfenbeck is Associate Professor, Deputy Director and Lecturer in Educational Assessment at the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment. Originally a secondary school teacher with many years’ experience in the classroom, Therese has also worked as school district supervisor and as a consultant for the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training regarding the development and evaluation of national exams

Specialist workshops will explore the conference theme of ‘ assessment' for EYFS, KS1-2, KS3 and KS4, with expert speakers on assessment for learning, international language tests, assessment for post-16 learning and much more.

With video 'talking head' guest appearances from Professor Paul Black and Dr. Christine Harrison, King's College, London. Finally, by popular demand, our three-minute presentations will be back in force!

Book your place now using a credit or debit card

Alternatively complete and return a booking form today to secure your place!

If you would like to exhibit at this important national event, please contact Charlotte Franson via events@naldic.org.uk